excessive sitting
Is Excessive Sitting Unhealthy? Many of you have probably heard the phrase “sitting is the new smoking.” But what makes sitting comparable to a habit known to cause disease, serious chronic health conditions, and death? I mean, sitting is relaxing! And your body deserves the rest! However, many Americans unknowingly […]

Are There Risks of Excessive Sitting?

light therapy
The fall and winter seasons bring joy for a lot of people— holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas always come with widespread celebration and merriment. However, for others, the change of the seasons is accompanied by unwelcome difficulties, especially for those suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a type […]

Employing Light Therapy to Treat SAD

exercise improves infants lungs
Exercising While Pregnant Brings Benefits to Infant Lungs We hear it all the time: exercising daily is an essential part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. That charge also applies to expecting mothers. A balanced, regular exercise routine is not only beneficial to the body of an expectant mother but also to […]

Infant Lung Function May Improve With Active Pregnancy Lifestyle

Expanding Medicaid Benefits American Healthcare In January 2014, 26 states within the U.S. elected to expand Medicaid eligibility guidelines. This now gives adults between 19-64 years of age with an annual income equaling up to 138% of the federal poverty line (FPL) the option to apply for Medicaid services. From […]

Benefits of Expanding Medicaid

broken heart
Having gone through a heartbreak or two, I can tell you that it feels like your heart is giving out. Although it may seem melodramatic, circumstances of extreme emotional distress can manifest physically by making alterations to the heart. This phenomenon is called Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, also known as Broken Heart […]

Can you die from a broken heart?

Diabetes presents many potential complications to eye health.
Diabetes Complications I think we can all agree that no one walks around wishing that they had diabetes. We all know about the constant finger pricking and the need for insulin to keep blood glucose levels stay in check, but how many of us really understand the world of complications […]

Can Diabetes Cause Blindness?

community design
Most people believe that their health is affected solely by their genetics and healthcare. However, your health can be influenced by so many things− one being the environment in which you live. Community design can have a substantial impact on your overall health. What are healthy cities? The term “healthy […]

Community Design and Health

There are many strategies to help you get better sleep.
Getting a good night’s sleep is sometimes easier said than done. With so many stressors and unhealthy distractions in this modern world, sleeping has become problematic for many. What a lot of people forget is that sleep is an integral part of the body’s ability to stay healthy and strong. […]

Strategies for Restful Sleep

Blood cancer awareness
September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month This September marks the 11th anniversary of Blood Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM). September is a concentrated time for supporters and activists of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS)– both locally and nationally– to raise awareness, education, and funds in the effort to support those […]

Honor Blood Cancer this Sepmtember

Thermography breast screening
The Newest Health Screening Method There is a rising trend in women seeking out thermography as a means to monitor their breast health and keep an eye out for breast cancer. Some doctors believe that thermography may be helpful in monitoring younger women for breast cancer and detecting changes in […]

Thermography: Should You Try It?