
In the grand scheme of life, your twenties are a fascinating and pivotal decade. It’s a time of self-discovery, adventure, and, of course, learning valuable life lessons. One of the most critical lessons you’ll encounter during this period is mastering the art of financial management. It might not sound as […]

Financial Journey in Your 20s: A Roadmap to Success

What is a Qualified Mortgage? There are Qualified Mortgages and unqualified Mortgages. “A Qualified Mortgage is a category of loans that have certain, more stable features that help make it more likely that you’ll be able to afford your loan.” states the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. A Qualified Mortgage is […]

What is a Qualified Mortgage?

The Importance of Budgeting A budget can seem lame, boring and time-consuming. However, budgeting is one of the most important skills you can ever learn. Learning how to have a strong financial future is the best way to success. What is a budget? A budget is an estimate of expected […]

The Importance of a Budget

Budget Examples and Considerations Before we look at some budget examples, let’s talk about money. It seems that all we want to do these days is to spend money. But where does your money go? Let’s break down the average American salary. $56,516 is the median average salary. $56,516 a […]

Budget Examples and Considerations – For Individuals

One of the most popular budget tools has saved people’s financial futures on countless occasions. It was popularized by Senator Elizabeth Warren, a senator of Massachusetts. She is also an author and this budget method was widespread in one of her best-selling books. The Rule The Budget Rule is 50/20/30. […]

What Is the Budget Rule?