Life Insurance Application: What to expect.

What Can I Expect When Filling Out My Life Insurance Policy

Applications can be stressful, but being prepared is helpful. Here are some tips to help with a stress-free application process.

Make sure you have all your information ready!

Having your information ready can help relieve stress. That’s why you should have your social security number, driver’s license, beneficiary’s social security number, and ID information.

Have a list of your assets and debt.

Having a list of your debt and assets is a critical part of the application process. Your agent can help determine your net worth.

Have a third-party contact.

If something happens to your policy and the insurance company cannot contact you, submit third-party contact information with your applications.

Be prepared to reallocate

Make sure you are prepared to reallocate your life insurance policy to a different beneficiary if something happens to one or more of your beneficiaries.

Have all your health insurance information.

Having all your health insurance together can help speed up the underwriting process of your life policy. Make sure to have policy numbers and any other information.


quotes for life insurance

Have your Primary Care Physician’s information.

Have all your Primary care Physician info ready, including phone number, address, and doctor’s name.

Comply with Underwriting

Underwriting can be a stressful and challenging process. From setting the appointment to completing the requirements, confirm you are ready to comply with everything the insurance company requires.

Applications for life insurance are time-consuming. However, coming into the situation prepared can make things just that much better and that much easier. Let your agent know if you have questions, or call Empower Brokerage at 888-539 1633. We are happy to help!

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