Life Insurance Awareness Month: Reality Check

Real Life Stories | Ron Franco: Keeping a Dream in Place

Permanent life insurance meant the Francos could tap the cash value when they bought their dream home and pay their bills when money was tight. But in the end, it was the death benefit that was there for Ron when his wife Kelli died at just age 46. #LIAM20

Posted by Life Happens on Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Life Happens Pro is beginning their Life Insurance Awareness Month early this year! The campaign usually takes place during the month of September, but this year is not a usual year. With the pandemic surging the Life Insurance Awareness Month campaign starts now.

Reality Check

With all the events that have transpired in 2020 with the COVID-19 pandemic, Life Happens has centered around the “reality check” that life insurance cannot wait, and you need to know the importance of it. During these uncertain times, life insurance becomes more crucial than ever to protect your loved ones and family members. You can follow the campaign at

With life insurance, it becomes possible for people to continue to maintain their lifestyles in the event of a tragedy and can even supplement your savings while living through living benefits. Everything life insurance provides benefits to your family and loved ones.

Making Sure You Have The Right Coverage

Around 60% of Americans have some type of life insurance and many of the people and families who do don’t have enough coverage. Determining how much life insurance you need for your policy can be tricky, but one of the most important things to keep in mind is the amount that is required for your family to keep meeting their financial obligations without your salary going towards those things.

The Need Is Greater Now Than Ever

The need for you to have life insurance coverage and financial security for your loved ones is more critical now than it has ever been before, and now is the time for action to make sure that you and your loved ones are covered in the case of emergency.

Got Life Insurance Questions?

We hope this information about Life Insurance Awareness Month was helpful for you. If you’d like to learn more about life and financial insurance give us a call at (888) 539-1633.

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