6 Things We Should Continue After the Pandemic
I think we can all agree that the pandemic has been a weird and tough time. We have dealt with things that we never thought we would. There has been loss, sickness, isolation, etc. but we have managed to push through it by making a few adjustments. While some may have felt annoying or hard, a few of them have been good and should be continued. Here is a list of 6 things we should continue after the pandemic.
Working from Home
Those that have had the luxury of working from home have found it to be a really good option. They experience no disruption of productivity and it does not require a commute. It also helps those who have small children or children who are partaking in online school. Working from home allows them to save money and be closer to the ones they care about and that is something that should continue being an option.
Mask Wearing When Sick
To think that we used to just sneeze and cough without a care in the world, especially when sick, is actually crazy. Having a barrier between you and another person is an easy step that you can take when you are not feeling well to protect everyone. Wearing masks when sick also teaches accountability. You are taking the initiative in preventing the spread of sickness and we should always have that mentality, even after COVID.
Giving Thanks to Essential Workers
Not everyone was afforded the luxury of staying home when the pandemic got bad. They had to continue their work in hopes of providing us more comfort. There have since been a few initiatives that serve to give thanks to those essential workers but that is not something that should end once the pandemic does. They are still doing the same jobs and hopefully now we can see how important that is.
Good Sanitary Procedures
The way things were being sanitized was a big topic of conversation once the pandemic hit. Now businesses have more strict cleaning procedures with sanitation stations throughout. It has also highlighted the importance of personal hygiene. And washing your hands thoroughly should not end after the pandemic.
Remaining Connected
The pandemic, unfortunately, caused a lot of us to feel lonely during the isolation period. We went from one day having social events to complete lockdown. After coming to terms with the situation, we were able to discover ways to keep in touch with our loved ones. We felt the motivation and need to reach out and that is not something we should abandon once we are back to normal.
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We hope this information on 6 things we should continue after the pandemic is helpful.
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