Photograph by Tom Swinnen on Pexels.
When was the last time you bit into a crunchy, juicy, sweet apple? You might want to consider doing so daily. Is it truly healthy to eat an apple each day? Apples make a great addition to your daily diet as they are one of the healthiest foods you can eat.
What nutrients do apples have?
Apples are rich in many nutrients. The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that one medium apple weighing nearly seven ounces contains five grams of fiber, 10 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin C, and nourishing amounts of copper, potassium, and vitamin K.
Is regularly eating apples healthy?
High cholesterol and heart disease are concerns for many people. Naturally, scientists have examined ways to combat these ailments. A recent study examined how participants daily consuming two apples decreased their LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Additional research has found that eating apples may lower the chances of developing cardiovascular disease. Specifically, the apple’s prebiotic elements can positively influence the reduction of cardiovascular disease risk factors. The same research team also discovered that an apple’s polyphenols and dietary fiber pectin contribute to better gut health by developing microbiota, the good gut bacteria. The study concludes dietary polyphenols impact physiological functions: “intestinal permeability, fat absorption, bile acid metabolism, hepatic lipid/cholesterol metabolism, glucose homeostasis, and systemic inflammation.”
Losing excess weight might be another benefit of regularly eating apples. Researchers have found that steadily eating apples and pears lowers Body Mass Index. Apple and pear consumption also lessens the likelihood of developing heart disease.
Does eating apples battle other diseases?
Apples house antioxidants(quercetin, chlorogenic acid, phloridzin) that stop some destructive chemical reactions from occurring in your body. One of these antioxidants, quercetin, dwells exclusively in the apple peel. Research suggests that quercetin impedes carbohydrate digestion and assists in avoiding blood sugar levels increase. Quercetin is also present in onions, grapes, berries, cherries, broccoli, other citrus fruits, and green tea. This antioxidant flavonoid can also impact brain health as scientists discovered quercetin decreases cellular demise stemming from oxidation and inflammation of neurons.
Chlorogenic acid is primarily present in the core region and the seeds of apples, with a medium amount dwelling in the apple flesh and lesser amounts in the peel. The antioxidant can possibly decrease the amount of glucose created by the body. Phloridzin can also lower the sugar amount in the intestines, resulting in lower blood sugar levels, thus decreasing the diabetes risk.
Furthermore, researchers indicate eating apples may also lessen the chances of developing cancer due to antioxidants’ beneficial impact. Another intriguing scientific find displays apple polyphenols preventing cancer cells from multiplying. Other studies find that the apple dietary fiber, pectin, stops cancer cell growth and can also cause cancer cells to self-destruct.
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