Health Benefits

excessive sitting
Is Excessive Sitting Unhealthy? Many of you have probably heard the phrase “sitting is the new smoking.” But what makes sitting comparable to a habit known to cause disease, serious chronic health conditions, and death? I mean, sitting is relaxing! And your body deserves the rest! However, many Americans unknowingly […]

Are There Risks of Excessive Sitting?

Many migraine sufferers are finding relief with Botox injections in specific areas in the head, neck, and shoulders. Photo by Sam Moqadam on Unsplash.
First, a story… I suffer from migraines.  I had my first attack when I was eleven or twelve, but I remember it like it was yesterday.  Imagine it: a gangled, pale, faintly mustachioed preteen girl sprinting headlong through the first lap of puberty— awkward, uncoordinated, and silly, but nevertheless thrilled […]

The Migraine Compendium: A Look at Treating Migraines with Botox

Although the benefits of cardio and weights are each great on their own, blending the two with a well-balanced diet can create the optimal circumstances for increased fat loss, improved mental health, and enhanced overall wellness.
Many argue which provides a better overall workout, cardio or weight training. Realistically, however, you can’t expect to see any killer results without incorporating aspects of both into a workout routine. Although the benefits of cardio and weights are each great on their own, blending the two with a well-balanced […]

The Combined Health Benefits of Cardio and Weights