Do You Snore at Night?

Two month old baby, sleeping hold his head up.

Photo by Tung256 on Pixabay.

Do you constantly wake up in the middle of the night, gasping for air? Do you have bruises on your arms or hips because your partner keeps elbowing you to get you to stop snoring? How often do you find yourself exiled to another room because “your snoring keeps me up at night”? An estimated 45 percent of adults snore occasionally. This phenomenon seems to be inevitable and inescapable. Snoring is a common occurrence. Let’s look at what snoring is and how it affects you.

Snoring 101

Snoring is the process of forced air traveling past soft tissues, causing vibrations that escape as a snore. This occurs in the lifetime of everyone; it is natural. Additional factors to consider in snoring include how much alcohol you consume, nasal issues, and sleeping positions. These factors contribute to snoring by affecting how relaxed your throat muscles are. Alcohol consumption relaxes the throat muscles, causing restricted airways; nasal issues such as congestion contribute to less air intake; and lastly, sleeping on your back restricts the most air due to gravity. Snoring can be harmless, but sometimes it can have serious side effects detrimental to your health.

What Does Snoring Do?

As described above, snoring is a natural blockage of your airways. An issue you run into that can cause health problems is when your breathing outright stops. If your snoring is detrimental, you could experience bouts of total blockage, meaning your body is getting no air at all. Your brain keeps you alive by shocking your system with adrenaline to jolt you awake (ever so slightly) so you can continue to breathe. Imagine your body as an engine or machine. If your car remained turned off but had to work overtime to ensure the engine was operating correctly, it would eventually show signs of damage. When you went to turn it on, it would eventually cease to work, right? The same concept applies to our bodies. Our bodies are more complicated than engines, and they help regulate themselves — thankfully. The point is to maintain yourself just like you would your car. You can purchase a new car, but you can not purchase a new you!

Snoring In Closing

If you believe you are snoring too much or are concerned about your sleep health, contact your primary care provider or visit a sleep clinic. You can conduct a sleep test in the office or at home. Conduct a sleep test to find the best results on what is going on with you. Your snoring could be nothing, or it could be harmful. All it takes is some initiative! You could start sleeping better in no time. If your partner banished from the bedroom due to snoring, you may get an invitation to come back.

Did you enjoy this article? Check out this article on our sister site: Healthy Breakfast Options.

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About Vohny Figueroa

Vohny Figueroa joined Empower Brokerage in 2023 and came on as the department Videographer. With a strong eye for composition, and a keen eye for detail, Vohny helps the Marketing team create great content.

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