If you are someone who wants to improve their writing skills, follow these four steps for improving your grammar!
In school, grammar was likely either your bread and butter or the bane of your existence. Regardless of how you feel about it, grammar is hard! With ever-changing communications and ideals of “proper” speech, it can be difficult to ensure that you are crafting quality, legible content. If you are […]

Four Steps for Improving Your Grammar

New research has revealed that many dinosaur populations were declining long before the last extinction event.  
Schoolchildren have been taught for generations that the dinosaurs were likely wiped out by an asteroid strike that hit present-day Mexico around 66 million years ago. The vision presented in schools is one of a thriving dinosaur population entirely wiped out almost overnight, as the asteroid barreled through the atmosphere […]

Dinosaurs Were Dying Out Long Before Extinction, Research Shows

Hurricane season has kicked off this past week with storms making their way to the states. While there isn’t much you can do to stop a hurricane, you can make sure to be prepared. There are a few different things you can do to prepare for the potential of a […]

Prepping for Hurricane Season 2021

After extensive research over the last few months, experts have concluded delta variant symptoms are different than the original COVID-19 strain. The highly contagious delta variant is the latest major COVID-19 concern throughout the world due to its easily spreadable nature and the difficulty to diagnose it. While the loss […]

Delta Variant Symptoms Hard To Detect

Core strength is the intrinsic foundation for safe and effective activity. Photo by Szabolcs Toth on Unsplash.
Starting from the bottom… When I got my first job out of college, I had a special opportunity to work with a personal trainer at my local fitness center.  Our sessions were an hour a week, and much like my actual college experience, came with lots and lots of homework.  […]

Why Is it So Important to Have a Strong Core?

health information
The internet has provided many great benefits and one of the best is constant access to information. If you have a health concern, you can do a quick Google search and get millions of results. The only downside is that the internet allows anyone to contribute. This means a good […]

How to Find Health Information You Can Trust

generic name brand drugs
It is no surprise how expensive prescription medications are in the United States. In 2020, the United States spent 358.7 billion dollars on prescription drugs. While generic drugs account for a large percentage of the prescriptions being filled, brand-name drugs are responsible for the majority of the costs. Both generic […]

The Difference Between Generic and Name-Brand Drugs

Ultrasound. Microplastics have been found in the human placenta.
Microplastics were found in human placentas for the first time. While it has been made clear that plastic is a problem within our environment, a new study sheds light on the alarming news that plastic is also invading the placenta and likely the developing baby. This is a concerning revelation […]

Microplastics Found in Placentas During Study

Flying Cars: Dreams or Reality? In the European nation of Slovakia, reality has set in where the AirCar completed its first ever inter-city flight. For years, something that was dreamt and thought about for years finally came to fruition as the first known futuristic flying car was seen flying around […]

Flying Cars

Demodex skin mites hitch rides to the lab in pathology samples. Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash.
A Chat with a Doctor A few years back, I had the chance to sit down with a pathologist and pick his brain about the kinds of things he encountered whilst peering through his microscope.  I was fascinated and disturbed by what I learned! As a quick refresher, a pathologist […]

There’s WHAT Living On My Skin?