Life Insurance Is the Perfect Gift

The Perfect Gift

Consider when you give or receive the perfect gift. For most people, that time includes birthdays, holidays, and major life events. Now consider appropriate gifts to give or gifts you enjoy receiving. Gifts vary by the occasion. Typical birthday and various holiday gifts include gift cards, unique personal items, and even straight-up cash. Major life events with gift exchanges usually include a housewarming party, an engagement, or a baby shower. Gifts of this nature typically include the gift receiver creating a registry for household or kitchen items and baby-specific items. So, how do you decide which gift is the perfect gift? We’re here to help.

Timing the Perfect Gift

Timing is everything. Consider Valentine’s Day, for example. Valentine’s Day generally requires a romantic gesture. In comparison, Father’s Day embodies typical dad-like activities or gifts for those activities, such as grilling. So, the timing of your gift sets the expectations and the context for your gift.

Selecting the Perfect Gift

So, keeping the timing in mind is the largest factor in where you begin selecting the perfect gift. Sticking to the first example, remember Valentine’s Day is the holiday for a romantic gesture. Common romantic gestures for this time include flowers, cooking for your significant other, or any other action showing you care. Moving on to the second example, remember that Father’s Day often highlights those typical dad-like interests, such as grilling. So, new grilling gear is ideal for your father on Father’s Day. As a bonus, spend Father’s Day with your dad, grilling a nice meal for the family with the new grilling gear you gave him.

Get the Gift that Lasts a Lifetime

Ultimately, the perfect gift depends on the person. Naturally, the more you care about a person, the more effort you put into these perfect gifts. So, for your family, peace of mind and security in the future is the best gift of all. How do you give that gift? You take the time and the responsibility of financially planning for your family. Life insurance is the best way to secure your family’s financial security after your passing. Losing a loved one is a challenging grieving process as it is. Adding a financial mess to sort out is the last thing you want to burden your family with at this time.

What Insurance Do You Buy?

So, what type of life insurance do you want to purchase? Permanent life insurance seems to be the most optimal gift. Whole life insurance covers you for the remainder of your life. Your fixed premium payments also help you grow a cash value component in your life insurance policy. The buyer can borrow against the policy and use those funds to send children to college, remodel the family home, or take a much-needed family vacation. Those can be considered amazing or perfect gifts. Certainly, a person can let the money grow to benefit beneficiaries after the policyholder’s passing with a tax-free death benefit. Universal life is another form of permanent life insurance. However, universal life does not always guarantee a death benefit. Since universal life insurance is subject to changes in the stock market, the potential remains for big losses as well as significant gains.

Final expense insurance is another way to provide for your family. This insurance allows buyers to pay for their funeral and burial costs in advance. This form of insurance can also pay off medical bills, credit cards, or other debts. Final expense is usually easy to qualify for because most insurance companies will not enforce underwriting. Additionally, some insurance companies want purchasers to be at least 45 or 50 years old to buy a final expense policy.

Life Insurance Questions?

We hope that this information on the perfect gift and life insurance is useful to you.

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This article was updated on 7/22/2024.

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