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Morning coffee is enjoyed by millions of people daily. It might be the drive-thru latte you spent 15 minutes waiting for, the warm cup of java cultivated by the office Keurig, or the piquant espresso shot made to lift your soul and mind. Whichever it is, coffee is an essential part of the morning routine for many people. Notably, 66% of Americans drink coffee each day. That is more than any other beverage, including tap water. While coffee is tasty and has many helpful benefits, like boosting metabolism, supporting heart health, and boosting energy levels, drinking coffee (or any caffeinated beverage) may not be the best way to start your day.
Coffee can cause dehydration.
Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it assists the body in getting rid of extra fluid and salt. While this is not necessarily dangerous, drinking coffee in the morning is not ideal for optimum health. Our bodies utilize about one liter of water every night during sleep, and we tend to be slightly dehydrated when we wake up. Drinking coffee in the morning would cause more dehydration. The side effects include feeling dizzy, lightheaded, and fatigued. Yikes!
Coffee raises cortisol levels.
Cortisol, the stress hormone, can become elevated when we drink caffeine. As a result, you feel like you are on high alert. Also, cortisol can shut down and alter functions that would get in the way, such as digestion, the reproductive system, immune system, or even growth processes. If you want to feel wide awake for a Monday-morning meeting or to meet a client, coffee will help you be more alert. There are downsides. Too much cortisol can lead to anxiety, depression, heartaches, and trouble sleeping. In addition, chronic problems can arise like memory loss, concentration issues, heart disease, and weight gain. The best approach would be to turn to caffeine when your cortisol levels start dropping, about three to four hours after waking up.
Coffee can be Addicting.
Drinking a morning coffee may become more than a routine and become addictive. Caffeine is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system. Like many other drugs, it is possible to build up a tolerance to caffeine. You become accustomed to the impacts on your body and need to drink more coffee to achieve the same desired effect. After continued use, you may become physically and psychologically dependent on caffeine to perform your daily activities. The easiest way to break this habit and caffeine dependence is to gradually reduce the amount of coffee and caffeine that you are consuming.
The Verdict on Coffee
Like all good things in life, drinking coffee should be enjoyed in moderation. If you choose to drink coffee daily, starting the day off with a large glass of water can help you fight-off dehydration. Waiting a few hours before your first cup of coffee can maximize the benefits without boosting those stress hormones. If you do not drink coffee in large amounts and control your intake, you can help your body resist developing caffeine dependence. For more insight into health strategies, please read about the benefits of eating honey.
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