Does a History of DWIs Disqualify Life Insurance Applicants?

Does a DWI disqualify me from a life insurance policy? Interestingly enough, many clients ask this question. In short, yes. Life Insurance Companies may decline application requests if there’s a recent history of DWIs. However, depending on when you were charged with the DWI, you may be eligible for life insurance coverage. Watch the video below to learn more!

It is critical to understand and know whether you have a history of DWIs (or DUIs) or not. If you do, you must inform the insurance company when you apply. With a history of DWIs, the likelihood of you dying in an accident is significantly higher than somebody without a history. Therefore, the insurance company needs to know.

The time frame of the DWIs largely determines your life insurance eligibility. For example, if you have more than three DWIs in ten years, you will not be able to get coverage. Also, if you have any in the last five years, you will not be able to get any coverage. If there are any incidents over ten years old, the insurance company will still need to know about it. However, more than likely, it won’t disqualify you from getting coverage. In conclusion, an insurance company may decline your application request if you have a recent history of DWIs. You may have to wait at least 5 years before you can apply again.

What Else Makes It Harder to Get Life Insurance?

When applying for life insurance, we understand now that certain risk factors make it more difficult– or even impossible – to get approved, like driving while intoxicated. However, people with high-risk occupations also face this scrutiny from insurance companies. Their jobs can result in higher premiums and stricter underwriting due to dangers. Here are a few occupations that can have an impact on life insurance coverage.

Aircraft Pilots

There’s a reason 40% of the U.S. population fears flying. There are inherent risks that come with stepping on a plane, like mechanical figures, extreme weather conditions, and human error. So, imagine your job is to put yourself in that risky position multiple times each day. Fortunately, some commercial pilots can still find coverage with restrictions, but private pilots have tougher underwriting, higher premiums, and a greater chance of outright denial.

First Responders

 The first people on the scene of every emergency will have a harder time finding reasonably priced life insurance policies. And that’s because of the simple fact that their job is to run headfirst into dangerous situations. This scenario means their premiums get elevated to cover the fact that they may not live to make a substantial dent in the cost of their policy.

Construction Workers

If you’ve ever been to a construction site, you can understand why this career is risky to insurance companies. Nails all over the floor, wobbly ladders, and steep roofs, oh my! According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2023, there were 1,075 fatal construction injuries. That was a rate of 9.6 per 100,000 construction workers. While it may not seem that bad, it is a high risk for life insurance companies to take.

Life Insurance Questions?

We hope that this information on life policies and history of DWIs is useful to you.

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This Article Was Updated on 2/17/2025.

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