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If you need convincing why life insurance is invaluable, let these two life insurance stories of real people in real situations help you understand the importance. It is far too easy to believe that “it’ll never happen to me,” but the reality is that none of us know what the future entails.
Carroll Jones: Widowed at the age of 26
Here is Carroll Jones’ life insurance story. Carroll married Jacob at the young age of 21. Little did she know that she would become a widow at the young age of 26 and need to care for a 9-month-old baby by herself.
Jacob discussed getting life insurance with Carroll as soon as she became pregnant. Carroll was hesitant, and the last thing she wanted to think about was one of them dying, but she knew Jacob was right and eventually gave in. The process was comfortable and easy; the agent came to their home and asked questions that were not all that protruding. Carroll and Jacob lived a comfortable life until the tragedy that ensued nine months after their baby was born.
Jacob died in a construction accident that involved working on a wall of a building when the winds were 50 mph. The wall collapsed, and to avoid anything hitting him, he jumped off and landed on his back. A piece of cinder block landed right on his chest and obstructed his aorta. The coroner said he died instantly. As you can imagine, Carroll’s heart sank into despair as she heard the news. The life insurance her husband persuaded her to get allowed her to support herself and the baby as she adjusted to her new life. She survived off what their plan offered while she worked part-time to take care of her child and look for a more flexible job. Carroll could not imagine the difficulty of dealing with emotional and financial distress if it was not for the security blanket called life insurance.
What Life Can Look Like with No Life Insurance
Sarah, her two younger sisters, and their mom went out for their annual Mother’s Day camping trip. During their stay, their mother consistently complained about her foot bothering her. Of course, they did not believe it was that big of a deal and that it would pass in time.
Later that night, the pain became unbearable, so they called an ambulance and sent her to the hospital. The next morning, she passed away from a pulmonary embolism. A tragic event happened to the mom of a 20-year-old and her two younger sisters. Sarah became the head of the family and now had to care for herself and her two younger siblings.
Their mother only had $300 in the bank, was behind on her bills, and had no life insurance. This situation made it extremely difficult for her family to survive. They had no money to pay their mortgage or other debts, and the bank eventually foreclosed their home. Sarah and her siblings are now barely getting by with her current job and their small two-bedroom apartment. There was no financial legacy for Sarah and her sisters to fall back on.
The importance of life insurance is greatly portrayed in these two tragic life insurance stories. Don’t let your loved ones become financially disabled if something ends up happening to you.
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This article was updated on 02/15/2024.