life insurance

A husband and wife play with their children at home.
If you’ve never ventured into the world of life and annuity insurance, well, today is your day to explore this new avenue. There are many differences between life and annuity insurance. So, what are the specific distinctions of each type? What is an annuity? An annuity is an investment opportunity to […]

What is the Difference Between Life and Annuity Insurance?

Happy family in their home, how much life insurance?
  Determining the right amount of life insurance is crucial for your financial planning and the security of your loved ones. This guide will explore aligning your life insurance coverage with your personal and family needs.   What Life Insurance Can Do For You   Provides Financial Security: Provides essential […]

How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

A person engages in a high-risk hobby, scuba diving, and photographs a tortoise.
Did you know that your hobbies can impact your ability to get life insurance or disability coverage? Some adventurous activities, enjoyed by many people, can lighten your wallet when you pay premiums. When you apply for life insurance, you go through an underwriting process to determine if you are a […]

High-Risk Hobbies and Life Insurance

A young family of four sits on a couch for a photo.
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. Do you have a life insurance policy? Perhaps you have heard misconceptions about life insurance and are puzzled about what life insurance is and how it can protect you and your family. Life insurance is a contract between an insurance company and a policy owner. The […]

Life Insurance Awareness Month