Personal Finances

Man writing notes about his relationship with finances
How is your relationship with money? How is your relationship with money? Finances and money represent one of the principal concerns during our adult lives. Much of our effort and quality of life will depend on how we manage our finances while we work. During this time, we must plan for […]

How is your relationship with money?

Personal Finances Having strong personal finances is extremely important. If you have a strong understanding of Personal Fiances and how they work you can have a strong and fruitful financial future. There are a lot of steps to have a strong and fruitful financial future. Here are some tips! Budgeting […]

Personal Finances

retirement planning
Retirement Planning Overview Consider retirement planning. First, have you started the early stages of planning your retirement? The first step is identifying what finances will support or fund your retirement. To make this process easy, think of your retirement as a three-legged stool. The first leg is Social Security. The second […]

The Three Biggest Components of Retirement Planning