whole life insurance

A husband and wife play with their children at home.
If you’ve never ventured into the world of life and annuity insurance, well, today is your day to explore this new avenue. There are many differences between life and annuity insurance. So, what are the specific distinctions of each type? What is an annuity? An annuity is an investment opportunity to […]

What is the Difference Between Life and Annuity Insurance?

Family members are seen eating a meal together.
Younger people do not necessarily consider buying life insurance. It’s not something you usually think about when you are in your early 20s and starting a full-time job right out of college. What age should you buy life insurance? Are there benefits to purchasing a policy at a younger age? […]

When do I buy life insurance?

A family smiles and hugs each other
The beginning of September marks the first day of Life Insurance Awareness Month. You may be familiar with life insurance, or perhaps you do not know anything about the topic. Let us examine why a person should consider purchasing a life insurance policy and understand the different kinds of life […]

Life Insurance Awareness Month

term vs. whole life insurance
TERM VS. WHOLE LIFE INSURANCE As a new employee of Empower Brokerage, I am beginning to understand the overwhelming feeling that comes along with learning about insurance. There seems to be a million terms and concepts that accompany it. And just when you think you got those down, a million […]

Term vs. Whole Life Insurance

A grandfather looks down at his granddaughter who is smiling and sitting in the grass with an Easter basket. Grandparents can purchase whole life insurance for their grandchildren to help build their financial future.
Parents and grandparents work diligently to provide opportunities for their children that they themselves were not provided. With financial security ranking among many seniors’ top factors of a successful life, grandparents are seeking ways to provide for their descendants as they reach adulthood. Those looking to provide for their grandchildren’s […]

Provide Financial Security with a Signature Whole Life Policy

What is Single Premium Life Insurance? What is Single-Premium Life Insurance? According to Investopedia, this type of insurance charges the policyholder a single up-front premium payment to fully fund the policy.  Single-Premium Life (SPL) Insurance can be a good option for those who want to pay a lump sum and […]

What is Single Premium Life Insurance?