Give the Gift of Life Insurance

Give the Gift of Life Insurance

This holiday season give the gift of life insurance to those loved ones who are not covered. Over the years, I’m sure you’ve heard why you need life insurance and how it can benefit you and your family. Today, I want to talk about why other people in your life need life insurance, including your spouse, kids, and parents. Raising a family is expensive. Doing it by yourself is hard, and sometimes bad things happen.

Why do your parents need life insurance?

Your parents need life insurance, just like everyone else. They need life insurance to help pay for final expenses so they can make money while they begin their retirement.

Why does your spouse need life insurance?

Your spouse needs life insurance as much as you need life insurance because your family needs protection. Your family needs income replacement, final expense, and mortgage protection in the event of an untimely death.

Why do your kids need life insurance?

Your kids need life insurance for a few reasons. You can use life insurance to build cash value. Spending a relatively small amount of money on a child’s whole life policy could lead to a good start with retirement. The second reason is to help with any potential medical issues. There are life plans coupled with chronic ailments a child may have.

You already know that you need life insurance. But now you know it can greatly help you and those around you. Contact your agent today! 

Special people in your life could benefit from a gift like life insurance. Christmas is a special time; a time for giving. Let’s make it a memorable one and give them the gift of life insurance. Give us a call here at Empower Brokerage and let us help you give the gift of life insurance.


Life Insurance Questions?

We hope that this information on the gift of life insurance is useful to you.

If you’d like to learn how we can help you plan your retirement, call Empower Brokerage at (888) 539-1633 to speak to one of our Life and Annuity experts or leave a comment down below.

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