term life insurance

A young man and his advisor review life insurance policies.
For many Americans, having employer life insurance is a good benefit, especially if there is no other life insurance policy to their name. They can receive some form of comfort knowing that they have coverage in case the worst should happen. Employer-provided life insurance is group term life insurance that employers […]

Is Employer Life Insurance Enough?

Family members are seen eating a meal together.
Younger people do not necessarily consider buying life insurance. It’s not something you usually think about when you are in your early 20s and starting a full-time job right out of college. What age should you buy life insurance? Are there benefits to purchasing a policy at a younger age? […]

When do I buy life insurance?

Couple looks stressed over denied life insurance application.
Getting Denied Isn’t The End Getting a life insurance policy is a serious financial decision made with the best intentions to provide for your family when you are no longer here. Have you been denied life insurance? It can be disappointing when your application is denied. It is important to […]

Denied Life Insurance? What Now?

term vs. whole life insurance
TERM VS. WHOLE LIFE INSURANCE As a new employee of Empower Brokerage, I am beginning to understand the overwhelming feeling that comes along with learning about insurance. There seems to be a million terms and concepts that accompany it. And just when you think you got those down, a million […]

Term vs. Whole Life Insurance

What is a conversion feature and why should I ensure my insurability? It is important to ensure that you are insurable for your future. You can lock in your insurability when you are young and healthy with an affordable term policy. You will need a policy with a conversion feature. […]

What is a conversion feature and why should I ensure ...