retirement planning

retirement planning
Retirement Planning You may believe that retirement is such a far-off event, so there is no need to worry. While the first part may be true, planning and saving for retirement needs to start now. An average American aged 40-60 has less than $100,000 saved for their retirement income, which […]

Retirement Planning

Here, we have compiled a list of financial mistakes to avoid over age 40.
Finances are tough. It can be hard to know what to spend now and what to save for later, and even harder to discuss your financial future with your family. Though it is important to be smart with your money from an early age, it becomes increasingly important as you […]

Financial Mistakes to Avoid Over Age 40

permanent life insurance for retirement saving
Problems With Social Security: And Why You Should Not Soley Rely On It For Retirement According to the annual 2019 Social Security and Medicare Board of Trustees Report, social security will be paying out more benefits than it generates revenue in 2020. The government will have to tap into social […]

Social Security: Should You Rely On It For Retirement?

Empower financial risk spectrum
Life Insurance and The Financial Risk Spectrum The above graphic from AIG demonstrates a broad overview of a consumer’s financial risk spectrum over the course of their life. This is a great demonstration of how you can benefit with Term Life Insurance. Pre-Retirement Years As you can see on the […]

Life Insurance and The Financial Risk Spectrum