Monthly Archives: September 2019

Odds You Die This Year An average of 55.3 million people dies each year. That is roughly .007% of the population. Over 150 thousand people die each day. Their causes of death are too numerous to count. Over half of the annual death count is due to the top ten […]

How Likely Are You To Die This Year?

One of the most popular budget tools has saved people’s financial futures on countless occasions. It was popularized by Senator Elizabeth Warren, a senator of Massachusetts. She is also an author and this budget method was widespread in one of her best-selling books. The Rule The Budget Rule is 50/20/30. […]

What Is the Budget Rule?

Empower financial risk spectrum
Life Insurance and The Financial Risk Spectrum The above graphic from AIG demonstrates a broad overview of a consumer’s financial risk spectrum over the course of their life. This is a great demonstration of how you can benefit with Term Life Insurance. Pre-Retirement Years As you can see on the […]

Life Insurance and The Financial Risk Spectrum