health insurance

group health insurance
Group and Individual Health Insurance With the drastic increase in health care costs, not having health insurance seems to be a non-option. In the past, there was a large dependence on receiving health insurance through your employer. The employer would take care of most of the process. They would do […]

Group and Individual Health Insurance

qualifying events
Qualifying Events When there are certain life changes, you are given an opportunity to make some adjustments to your health plan. These changes are considered qualifying events and they allow what is considered a special enrollment period, which is any time outside of the annual open enrollment period to make […]

Qualifying Events

switch health plan
Time to Make the Switch with Your Health Plan When we finally decide on a health plan, it is such a feeling of relief. However, you should not get too comfortable. Life changes, so when the next open enrollment period comes around, it is a good idea to take some […]

Time to Make the Switch With Your Health Plan

Clothing could become another form of medical identification, according to a recent discovery by Tuft’s University’s School of Engineering, as there has been a breakthrough in clothing that detects chemicals on the body. There is a possibility that we will be able to wear clothing that changes color depending on […]

Clothing Detects Chemicals on the Body

If your company offers health benefits, the plan you chose last fall may not be best for you now, in light of all the hardships employers and employees have faced the last few months. Luckily, the IRS announced in May their plan to allow employees to “add, drop or alter […]

New IRS Announcement

Recently, we have all seen how the coronavirus has negatively impacted our economy. We have also heard some experts claim that we are currently in a recession, some going so far as to envision a Great Depression-like economy in the future. These are tough times for every, regardless, so it […]

Economic Depression vs. Recession

News surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic is constantly changing, hour by hour. The best way to help your community get through this is to stay at home, maintain your distance from anyone around you, wash your hands regularly, and disinfect any surfaces you use often. Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s […]

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