personal wellness

Although the benefits of cardio and weights are each great on their own, blending the two with a well-balanced diet can create the optimal circumstances for increased fat loss, improved mental health, and enhanced overall wellness.
Many argue which provides a better overall workout, cardio or weight training. Realistically, however, you can’t expect to see any killer results without incorporating aspects of both into a workout routine. Although the benefits of cardio and weights are each great on their own, blending the two with a well-balanced […]

The Combined Health Benefits of Cardio and Weights

If you’re in the mood to try something different in 2021, check out these new year’s resolution alternatives, instead!
Happy New Year! It’s officially 2021, and if you’re anything like me, your New Year’s resolutions will probably start to disappear around mid-January. According to a poll from FranklinCovey and also a study from the Journal of Clinical Psychology, approximately one in three resolutions are forgotten before February. Luckily, since […]

New Year’s Resolution Alternatives for 2021