healthy living

What is Melatonin? Melatonin− the sleepy hormone− is a hormone produced naturally in the pineal gland, a small nodule in our brains. This hormone helps balance our circadian rhythm, which supports a proper good night’s sleep. Melatonin contains antioxidants, disease-fighting and stress-relieving properties, and actively promotes anti-aging. This hormone is […]

How to Improve Sleep With Melatonin

excessive sitting
Is Excessive Sitting Unhealthy? Many of you have probably heard the phrase “sitting is the new smoking.” But what makes sitting comparable to a habit known to cause disease, serious chronic health conditions, and death? I mean, sitting is relaxing! And your body deserves the rest! However, many Americans unknowingly […]

Are There Risks of Excessive Sitting?

exercise improves infants lungs
Exercising While Pregnant Brings Benefits to Infant Lungs We hear it all the time: exercising daily is an essential part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. That charge also applies to expecting mothers. A balanced, regular exercise routine is not only beneficial to the body of an expectant mother but also to […]

Infant Lung Function May Improve With Active Pregnancy Lifestyle