
retirement planning
Retirement Planning You may believe that retirement is such a far-off event, so there is no need to worry. While the first part may be true, planning and saving for retirement needs to start now. An average American aged 40-60 has less than $100,000 saved for their retirement income, which […]

Retirement Planning

annuity for retirement
Recently, AIG released two great pieces of information titled Solutions For A Changing Market and Market Commentary. These discuss the recent changes in the equities market and how using an annuity for your retirement is a great way to protect yourself from the ups and downs of the market. Risk […]

Annuity For Retirement Could Protect From Changing Markets

  Why Is Protected Monthly Income Important? Recently, AIG released a checklist of things to discuss with your financial advisor about protected monthly income. As you are approaching retirement it is always important to do heavy planning so that you do not get caught off guard by unexpected expenses. However, many […]

Protected Monthly Income In Retirement

How long will I live? When it comes to retirement plans, there is always one big question. How long will I live? Because we can’t know exactly how long we will live or how healthy we will be this makes the retirement planning tricky. So how do you plan for […]

How long will I live?

The Importance of Budgeting A budget can seem lame, boring and time-consuming. However, budgeting is one of the most important skills you can ever learn. Learning how to have a strong financial future is the best way to success. What is a budget? A budget is an estimate of expected […]

The Importance of a Budget