death benefit

Locate the Life Insurance Policy Unfortunately, it’s common for individuals to pass away with a life insurance policy their loved ones knew nothing about. And sometimes, the policyholder will forget the life insurance exists if they paid it off long before passing away.  When that life insurance money goes unclaimed, it […]

Finding a Loved One’s Policy

Final Expense Insurance
Final Expense Insurance Explained Final expense insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that provides coverage to pay for end-of-life expenses and funeral costs. You may also hear Final Expense referred to as burial insurance or funeral insurance. Facing unexpected funeral expenses, some families may take on debt, borrow […]

Final Expense Insurance Explained

What Should You Do If You Can’t find your Loved One’s Life Policy? This is a scenario many people face daily. They know their parents have a Life insurance policy but they are not sure where the information is. Let’s say your mother, or father passes away unexpectedly. You think […]

What Should You Do If You Can’t find your Loved ...