
anxiety and depression
Screening for mental health starts early Recently, the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force issued a new guideline to the families of America. The panel of health professionals has recommended that children between 8 and 18 be screened for anxiety, and children ages 12 to 18 also be screened for depressive […]

Anxiety and Depression in Children

light therapy
The fall and winter seasons bring joy for a lot of people— holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas always come with widespread celebration and merriment. However, for others, the change of the seasons is accompanied by unwelcome difficulties, especially for those suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a type […]

Employing Light Therapy to Treat SAD

Doomscrolling is the act of constantly searching through social media and news website feeds looking for negative or saddening information. The act of doomscrolling has increased dramatically during the pandemic and it has likely contributed to the increase in feelings of depression symptoms. Reasons For Increased Doomscrolling There are several […]

Doomscrolling During The Pandemic

U.S. Pays $1.6 Billion To Fast-track COVID-19 Vaccine
U.S. Pays $1.6 Billion To Fast-track COVID-19 Vaccine The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), along with the Department of Defense (DoD), announced it will be investing $1.6 billion to Fast-track a COVID vaccine. According to their press release, the pharmaceutical company, a late-stage biotechnology company developing next-generation […]

U.S. Pays $1.6 Billion To Fast-track COVID-19 Vaccine