life insurance applications

Couple looks stressed over denied life insurance application.
Getting Denied Isn’t The End Getting a life insurance policy is a serious financial decision made with the best intentions to provide for your family when you are no longer here. Have you been denied life insurance? It can be disappointing when your application is denied. It is important to […]

Denied Life Insurance? What Now?

Getting help is easy with Gerber Life's remote-access tools.
More people are working from home now than ever before, so it is becoming increasingly important that companies adapt and develop remote-access tools to help their employees and customers navigate their services more easily. Among the companies developing new digital agent tools is Gerber Life. Gerber Life’s remote-access tools include […]

Gerber Life’s Remote-Access Tools

With the current pandemic in full swing, agents will want to change their formula for how they do business. One of the main places they will have to consider is underwriting remotely for life insurance. One way that many have turned to during this time is remote underwriting for Life […]

Underwriting Remotely for Life Insurance: New Ways To Help Your ...

According to LIMRA, The Life Insurance Marketing & Research Association, though the economy has been unsettling the past few months the confidence in life insurance agents is at an all-time high. Comparing numbers to the October in 2008, only 9% of consumers had “extreme/quite a bit” of confidence in insurance […]

Confidence In Life Insurance Agents At a High During Pandemic

Could Vaping Cause Higher Life Insurance Costs? Vaping is said to be significantly worse than smoking a cigarette or cigar. Vaping has to lead to dozens of deaths due to the chemicals inside. This puts pressure on underwriters to either exclude vapers from insurance coverage or charge them higher rates. […]

Could Vaping Cause Higher Life Insurance Costs?

Insurability in Life Insurance Completing a life insurance application requires many answers to many questions. First, we determine and assess the need for life insurance. Then, we begin the application. The application starts off with basic demographics. These include name, address, phone number, etc.  Then, comes the health, medical history, […]

Insurability in Life Insurance

Has a life insurance company asked you about your travel plans? Does your safari trip to Africa now have you worried? Don’t fret! Our Life and Financial specialist, Criss Crombie, explains why life insurance companies want to know if you plan on traveling outside of the U.S. Watch the video […]

Traveling Outside of the US During the Life Insurance Application ...